These functional offices are led by nationally recognized experts who strive for fiscal efficiency, organization, and optimization across the university.
Office of the University Controller
Responsible for account management, cash control, financial policies, systems, time, operations, payroll, tax reporting, and retirement.
Guides budgeting for academic and administrative units each year, monitors the university’s fiscal performance, and performs post-investment audits.
Responsible for collecting university fees and departmental charges from Bloomington students.
Develops and manages programming for continually improving processes and services in support of those we serve.
Office of Insurance, Loss Control & Claims
Provides loss prevention, loss control, and related services, and adjusts all claims.
Office of Procurement Services/Travel
Responsible for university-wide procurement, as well as travel management, accounts payable, and business diversity.
Manages banking, payment cards, capital finance, university operating funds and investments, endowment accounting, and external agencies.
Employee Services, Training, & Communication
Develops and delivers content related to CFO business functions and manages communications for the division.